Engage Martial Arts 204 Sunset Drive Butler, PA 16001 724-283-5999
ATA Tigers
Beginner Tigers
Turtle thru Cheeri Belts
(White - Yellow)
Advanced Tigers
Lion thru Baron Belts
(Camo - Red)
ATA Tigers
Turtle through Cheeri Belts

Beginner Tigers earn 6 stripes on their belt before they Test for their next belt. Students at this rank Block Train, which means multiple belt ranks will work on the same Testing material together. ATA Tigers perform their required material with an Instructor during class and are not required to memorize the order of techniques.
ATA Tigers
Lion thru Baron Belts

Advanced Tigers earn 6 stripes on their belt before they Test for their next belt. Students at this rank Block Train, which means multiple belt ranks will work on the same Testing material together. ATA Tigers perform their required material with an Instructor during class and are not required to memorize the order of techniques.
White, orange & yellow Belts

Color Belt Students earn 6 stripes on their belt before they Test for their next belt. Students at this rank Block Train, which means multiple belt ranks will work on the same Testing material together.
camo, green & PURPLE belts

Color Belts earn 6 stripes on their belt before they Test for their next belt. Students at this rank Block Train, which means multiple belt ranks will work on the same Testing material together.
BLUE, Brown & RED Belts

Color Belts earn 6 stripes on their belt before they Test for their next belt. Students at this rank Block Train, which means multiple belt ranks will work on the same Testing material together.
First Degree Black Belt Recommended

Red/Black Belts earn 2 midterm stars belt before they Test for their Black Belt. At their midterm Testing, students will perform one of the two midterms listed below to earn their belt star. Students with 2 stars are eligible to test for their First Degree Black Belt Decided with Instructor Permission.
Single Ssahng Jeol Bahng Midterm: (SSJB #1)
SSJB #1 - Students must proficiently demonstrate all 9 ssahng jeol bahng weapon counts with both hands.
Sparring - 2 Test Style Sparring Rounds
Self Defense - Conflict Resolution (Bullies) & Personal Protection (Self Defense)
Form - Choong Jung Poomse #2 (full)
Board Break - Kick of their choice
BBC or LP Weapon - Students demonstrate their weapon drill/form of the Testing Cycle
Single Bahng Mahng EE Midterm: (SBME #1)
SBME #1 - Students must proficiently demonstrate all 9 Bahng Mahng EE disarm techniques with a partner.
Sparring - 2 Test Style Sparring Rounds
Self Defense - Conflict Resolution (Bullies) & Personal Protection (Self Defense)
Form - Choong Jung Poomse #2 (full)
Board Break - Hand Technique of their choice
BBC or LP Weapon - Students demonstrate their weapon drill/form of the Testing Cycle
Rank Testing:
Form - Students must demonstrate the full Choong Jung Poomse #2.
Sparring - 2 Test Style Sparring Rounds
Board Breaks - Hand Technique & a Kick, successfully break both boards with their required techniques within 3 attempts
Red/Black Belt Youtube Practice at Home Video Playlist
Printable Choong Jung #2 Form Sheet
1st degree black belts
First Degree Black Belt Decided
All Ages

1st Degree Black Belt Decided students earn 8 midterm stars belt before they Test for their Black Belt. At their midterm Testing, students will perform one of the midterms listed below to earn their belt star. Students with 8 stars are eligible to test for their Second Degree Black Belt Decided with Instructor Permission.
Single Ssahng Jeol Bahng Midterm: (SSJB #3) - Students must proficiently demonstrate the Black Belt Single Ssahng Jeol Bahng form as well as 2 Test Style Sparring Rounds, the required portion of Shim Jun, one board break, self defense and their BBC or LP Weapon for the cycle.​
Single Bahng Mahng EE First Half Midterm: (SBME #3A) - Students must proficiently demonstrate the first half of the Black Belt Single Bahng Mahng EE form as well as 2 Test Style Sparring Rounds, the required portion of Shim Jun, one board break, self defense and their BBC or LP Weapon for the cycle.​
Single Bahng Mahng EE Second Half Midterm: (SBME #3B) - Students must proficiently demonstrate the second half of the Black Belt Single Bahng Mahng EE form as well as 2 Test Style Sparring Rounds, the required portion of Shim Jun, one board break, self defense and their BBC or LP Weapon for the cycle.​
Midrange Jahng Bong First Half Midterm: (JBMR #3A) - Students must proficiently demonstrate the first half of Black Belt Jahng Bong form as well as 2 Test Style Sparring Rounds, the required portion of Shim Jun, one board break, self defense and their BBC or LP Weapon for the cycle.​
Midrange Jahng Bong Second Half Midterm: (JBMR #3B) - Students must proficiently demonstrate the second half of Black Belt Jahng Bong form as well as 2 Test Style Sparring Rounds, the required portion of Shim Jun, one board break, self defense and their BBC or LP Weapon for the cycle.
Oh Sung Do Midterm: (OSD #1) - Students must proficiently demonstrate the 9 Oh Sung Do sword drills as well as 2 Test Style Sparring Rounds, the required portion of Shim Jun, one board break, self defense and their BBC or LP Weapon for the cycle.​
Oh Sung Do Midterm: (OSD #3) - Students must proficiently demonstrate the Oh Sung Do sword form as well as 2 Test Style Sparring Rounds, the required portion of Shim Jun, one board break, self defense and their BBC or LP Weapon for the cycle.​
Gum Do Level 1 Midterm: (GD #1) - Students must proficiently demonstrate the Gum Do sword counts as well as 2 Test Style Sparring Rounds, the required portion of Shim Jun, one board break, self defense and their BBC or LP Weapon for the cycle.​
Rank Testing:
Form - Students must demonstrate all of Shim Jun.
Sparring - 2 Test Style Sparring Rounds
Self Defense
Board Breaks - successfully break boards with their required techniques within 3 attempts
Black Belt Club or Leadership Weapon
1st Degree Youtube Practice at Home Video Playlist
Additional Training Videos:
Taekwondo Fundamentals Workout Videos
(All Ranks)
Black Belt Workout Videos
(All Black Belt Ranks)
Yoga for Martial Artists Videos
(All Belt Ranks)
2nd Degree Black Belt Recommended
Name on belt with red letters.
All Ages

2nd Degree Black Belt Recommended students do not earn midterm stars on their belt since they have their name embroidered on it.
They will continue to work on Shim Jun as their rank form.
2nd Degree Black Belt Recommended students must complete 2 midterms before they Test for their 2nd Degree Black Belt Decided. At their midterm Testing, students will perform one of the two midterms listed below. Students who have successfully completed both midterm tests are eligible to test for their Second Degree Black Belt Decided with Instructor Permission. (PLEASE NOTE: ATA does note permit students to wear this belt at Tournaments. Students must wear a plain black belt instead of their red lettered belt. By the end of 2022, we will have phased out this rank to allow students to progress from 1st Degree directly to 2nd Degree Decided (gold letters) so there will be no Tournament confusion.)
Double Ssahng Jeol Bahng Midterm:
DSJB #1 - Students must proficiently demonstrate all 9 double ssahng jeol bahng weapon counts.
Sparring - 2 Test Style Sparring Rounds
Self Defense - Conflict Resolution (Bullies) & Personal Protection (Self Defense)
Form - Required portion of Shim Jun
BBC or LP Weapon - Students demonstrate their weapon drill/form of the Testing Cycle
Double Bahng Mahng EE Midterm:
DBME #1 - Students must proficiently demonstrate all 9 bahng mahng ee weapon counts in the air, with a partner or on a pad.
Sparring - 2 Test Style Sparring Rounds
Self Defense - Conflict Resolution (Bullies) & Personal Protection (Self Defense)
Form - required portion of Shim Jun
BBC or LP Weapon - Students demonstrate their weapon drill/form of the Testing Cycle
Rank Testing:
Form - Students must demonstrate Shim Jun.
Sparring - 2 Test Style Sparring Rounds
Self Defense - Conflict Resolution (Bullies) & Personal Protection (Self Defense)
Board Breaks - successfully break boards with their required techniques within 3 attempts
BBC or LP Weapon - Students demonstrate their weapon drill/form of the Testing Cycle
2nd Degree Recommended Youtube Practice at Home Video Playlist
Additional Training Videos:
Taekwondo Fundamentals Workout Videos
(All Ranks)
Black Belt Workout Videos
(All Black Belt Ranks)
Yoga for Martial Artists Videos
(All Belt Ranks)
2nd Degree black belt decided
Name on belt in gold letters.
All Ages

2nd Degree Black Belt Decided students complete 18 midterms before they Test for their 3rd Degree Black Belt. Midterms list below all include Test Style Sparring and Leadership or Instructor Program weapon forms. Since 2nd Degree Black Belts all work on the same Midterm each cycle, the order in which students complete these will vary. Due to the length and complexity of some weapon forms, they will be split into 2/3 separate midterms. Students will also complete 1/3 of their rank form, self defense, board break and sparring with each midterm.
DSJB #3A / DSJB #3B - Both halves of the Double Ssahng Jeol Bahng Form
DBME #3A / DBME #3B - Both halves of the Double Bahng Mahng EE Form
SN #3A / SN #3B / SN #3C- Ssahng Nat Form
GD #1 - Gum Do Sword Basics
GD #3A / #3B / #3C - Gum Do Sword Form
PP #1 / PP #2 - Pressure Point Partner Drills
JM #1A / JM #1B / JM #2 - Joint Manipulation Partner Drills
SBME #2 - Single Bahng Mahng EE Partner Drill Flows
Rank Testing for 3rd Degree Black Belt
2nd Degree Youtube Practice at Home Video Playlist
Printable Double Bahng Mahng EE Poomse Worksheet
Additional Training Videos:
Taekwondo Fundamentals Workout Videos
(All Ranks)
Black Belt Workout Videos
(All Black Belt Ranks)
Yoga for Martial Artists Videos
(All Belt Ranks)
3rd Degree black belt
Name on belt in gold letters.
All Ages

3rd Degree Black Belt Decided students complete 18 midterms before they Test for their 4th Degree Black Belt. Midterms list below all include Test Style Sparring and Leadership or Instructor Program weapon forms. Since 3rd Degree Black Belts all work on the same Midterm each cycle, the order in which students complete these will vary. Students will also perform 1/3 of their rank form, board break, self defense & sparring with each midterm.
JBLR #1 - Long Range Jahng Bong Weapon Counts
JBLR #3 - Long Range Jahng Bong Form
SKD #1 / SKD #2 - Spontaneous Knife Defense
JM #3 - Joint Manipulation Form
WC #1 - 18 Warrior Combat Partner Drills
SDB #1 / SDB #2 - Sam Dan Bong Weapon Counts
SD / BB #1 - Self Defense & Wooden Board Breaking Midterm
JPE #1 - Jee Pahng EE Weapon Counts
JBMR #2 - Mid-Range Jahng Bong Partner Drills
GD #1 - Gum Do Sword Counts
GD #3 - Gum Do Sword Form
Rank Testing for 3rd Degree Black Belt
3rd Degree Youtube Practice at Home Video Playlist
Printable Chung San Form Sheet
Additional Training Videos:
Taekwondo Fundamentals Workout Videos
(All Ranks)
Black Belt Workout Videos
(All Black Belt Ranks)
4th Degree black belt
Name on belt in gold letters.
Ages 18 & Up

4th Degree Black Belt students should see an Instructor regarding midterm information.
4th Degree Form Zoom Class from ATA HQ
Additional Training Videos:
Taekwondo Fundamentals Workout Videos
(All Ranks)
Black Belt Workout Videos
(All Black Belt Ranks)
Teens & Adult color belts

After their first Testing from White Belt Recommended to White Belt Decided, Teen & Adult students have two options for the speed at which they progress through the remaining color belt ranks.
Whole Rank Test - For students who are quick at memorization and learn new techniques and concepts quickly. At Testing they would be required to demonstrate the entire form for their rank and all required one-steps. If a student performs their "Whole Rank" Test well, they would be promoted directly to the next color Belt at Testing.
Half Rank Test - For students that memorization does not come easily to or need more time to process, learn and perfect new techniques and concepts. At Testing they would be required to demonstrate the half of the form for their rank and all 1 one-step. If a student performs their "Half Rank Rank" Test well, they would be promoted one 1/2 rank step at Testing. For example, an Orange Belt Recommended (solid color) would go to an Orange Belt Decided (color with black stripe through the center)
White Belt - Songahm #1
Printable Form Sheet | Form Video
Orange Belt - Songahm #2
Printable Form Sheet | Form Video
Yellow Belt - Songahm #3
Printable Form Sheet | Form Video
Camo Belt - Songahm #4
Printable Form Sheet | Form Video
Green Belt - Songahm #5
Printable Form Sheet | Form Video
Purple Belt - In Wha #1
Printable Form Sheet | Form Video
Blue Belt - In Wha #2
Printable Form Sheet | Form Video
Brown Belt - Choong Jung #1
Printable Form Sheet | Form Video
Red Belt - Choong Jung #1